Puclications in refereed journals

Tunka-Rex: a Radio Extension of the Tunka Experiment
F.G. Schröder et al. - Tunka-Rex Collaboration, 2013, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 409 012076, Proceedings of 23rd ECRS 2012, Moscow, Russia

Tunka-Rex: a Radio Antenna Array for the Tunka
F.G. Schröder et al. - Tunka-Rex Collaboration, 2013, AIP Conference Proceedings 1535, 111, Proceedings of the 5th ARENA 2012, Erlangen, Germany

The Tunka-133 EAS Cherenkov light array: status of 2011
S.F. Berezhnev et al. - Tunka Collaboration, 2011, Proceedings of the 3rd RICAP 2011, Rome, Italy,
accepted by Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2011.12.091

HiSCORE: A new detector for astroparticle and particle physics beyond 10 TeV, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, Volume 692, 11 November 2012, Pages 246–249 (Proceedings of the 3rd RICAP, Rome, Italy.

HiSCORE - The Hundred*i square-km cosmic ORigin explorer, 2012, Proceedings of the Heidelberg Gamma-ray symposium, Germany